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By Warren Puckett; President
Treasury: $997.29
Discussion topics;
1. Wills Wing Demo Days at Greyson: Only 3 pilots made it out for flying.
2. Nationals to be held at Big Springs airport.
3. Labor Day Texas Shootout (Regionals) will be held at Hearne
4. Next Board of Directors meetings at Boise, ID in
October. Dave will attend as Regional Director.
5. Labor Day Texas Shootout (Regionals) will be held at Hearne
6. John Russell announced that he found a job in Salt
Lake City, UT and would be moving. It was motioned
and passed that John be kept on our roles as a permanent honorary
member. It passed unanimously.
7. With John’s departure the topic of appointing
another Observer was raised. Dave Broyles has the authority
to appoint and asked that any interested pilot (Hang 3 or
above) Contact him for discussion of appointment.
8. Pete showed his DVD film of Alamogordo Fly In. Also for sale. Contact Pete.